Angel Message 21st Jan- 27th Jan 2013

This week ,the angels are signalling that decisions must be taken with care. Seek advice from a professional if uncertain about your choices. Personal relationships may require your time and attention. Maturity, tranquility and calm composure will empower you.

 The Angels guide us to be helpful to people around you to enjoy peace and serenity. Avoid being critical and don’t make worry your habit..  You may need greater reserves of strength and tolerance as doubt and suspicion may surround you. Meditation or a spiritual guide will help develop your insights.  The Angels are guiding you to be true to yourself. Your belief and confidence will help you gain respect and support.

Ask your higher self about what you truly seek. Meditate on heart chakra this and week. Use an amethyst crystal for healing . The angels are asking us to question every thought and action. Uncertainty is inevitable after all but the angels are guiding you, take notice.


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