Angel guidance 5th Aug- 11 Aug 2013

Welcome celebration, bliss and happiness around your life. It is time to live in the moment, enjoy every second of life and spend time with family and loved ones. Persuasion and kind words will help you save a relationship if it’s in a bad shape. Be watchful what you expend your energy on.

On the work front, heed your partner’s advice, as it will be beneficial for you. Invest time and effort to bring stability and security in your life. You must forgive all those who have hurt you in the past. Learn to trust others. Time is now. Feel warmth and joy  in your heart and thank the universe for all that you have.

Your angels want to help you with any situation you need help with; however, they require your permission before they can intervene in your freewill choices. Give them the go ahead signal so that they can help you. It doesn’t matter whether you ask aloud or silently, in writing form or even the words you choose. All that matters is that you ask! Intention is the most important ingredient.  After you have asked for their help, watch for their replies which will come in the form of gut feelings, dreams, ideas and signs.


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