Tarot/Angel Guidance 6 Jan - 12 Jan 2014
Stick with the plan or course of action even though things may seem difficult at present. Stand your ground, but don't get into a conflict over possessions at this time. Keep your enthusiasm high and continue to work towards achieving your goals. Set priorities and invest energy where it will do the most good. Don't let other people , disappointments or distractions shake you. Stay diligent, patient , growth will come. Avoid people who bring you down.
Angel message- Angels are asking you to add fun in your life more. Be playful. Regular doses of fun can help you accomplish your goals. Invest in play too. When you have fun and laughter you relax more thus gives you flow of inspiration and ideas and connect with the spiritual self. With the new inspiration you can manifest better. Your positive outlook then creates new opportunities for you.Look at your life this way.
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