Tarot/Angel Guidance 2014
The Water Sign- CANCER
A major change is about to occur this year and its about time. You will experience experiences that forcibly eliminate distractions and pretensions from your life, enabling you to better understand your essential self . Transformations brought by profound or scary experiences will make you review the meaning of life.Ask yourself whether you have been grappling with a death in life situation? This realization will enable you to confront the things that scare you , and think about things to recover your vitality. You might choose to focus on creative activities, improved relationships, spirituality and maybe other things that give you a sense of connection to something greater than your own life. Let go of your attachments, especially if you are clinging to things that are unhealthy or outworn, and make room in your life for new growth. For some transformation may be slow, there might be resistance to change or just a subconscious realization that some form of change is looming. This awareness can manifest in the form of mood swings, anxieties, worries and restlessness. There will be major shift in your work condition. If your current occupation is too limiting, consider moving on to some thing more challenging and rewarding.
Romance- The best way to have more romance in your life is through attraction, rather than strenuous effort. You are most attractive when you are fully enjoying your present. Any stress you experience as you strain to find more romance pushes against the stream of life. Stress comes in from a place of fear. So, go be yourself. Enjoy simple pleasures of life like taking a walk in the nature, pampering yourself. Affirm that you are loved and you are lovable. Visualize a wonderful romantic relationship with a great partner.Take excellent care of yourself and follow your instincts.
Angel message-People from your past lives will be making themselves known to you. This could include a soulmate or a family member, all with whom you have karmic ties. The angels are asking you and helping you to release , learn and heal those past experiences and emotions.You have well earned wisdom allow it to guide you in your present situations by following your instincts and gut feelings. When you hold on to a part of your life that's not working , it has no room to heal. However if you are willing to open your hands and allow the situation to be freed, either it will wash away or be replaced by a better situation. Let Go!
The Water Sign- CANCER
Romance- The best way to have more romance in your life is through attraction, rather than strenuous effort. You are most attractive when you are fully enjoying your present. Any stress you experience as you strain to find more romance pushes against the stream of life. Stress comes in from a place of fear. So, go be yourself. Enjoy simple pleasures of life like taking a walk in the nature, pampering yourself. Affirm that you are loved and you are lovable. Visualize a wonderful romantic relationship with a great partner.Take excellent care of yourself and follow your instincts.
Angel message-People from your past lives will be making themselves known to you. This could include a soulmate or a family member, all with whom you have karmic ties. The angels are asking you and helping you to release , learn and heal those past experiences and emotions.You have well earned wisdom allow it to guide you in your present situations by following your instincts and gut feelings. When you hold on to a part of your life that's not working , it has no room to heal. However if you are willing to open your hands and allow the situation to be freed, either it will wash away or be replaced by a better situation. Let Go!
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