Tarot /Angel Guidance 2014
The Air Sign- LIBRA
Changing conditions will introduce you to new ideas and experiences. This can happen when either the outside forces or your own discontentment may force you to become actively involved in challenging conflict. Now, depending on how adaptable and outgoing you are ,this can be stressful, disruptive or stimulating. Attitude is important. There will a deep desire to to break away from ordinary routines both at home and workplace.You will be pulled into competitive activities which will be a part of the process of change. It will help you improve your skills , communication and creative talents. B aware of conflict which can likely break because of people's ego clashes due to disagreements about how things should be done.There will be personality types who will stir up arguments because they enjoy that adrenalin rush or want to get involved. You will find yourself interacting with people who are different from you and give each person a chance t be heard.
Romance- Your love life is based in your feelings about your mother and father. You will benefit from releasing any old anger toward one or both of them. That's because your feelings about your parents influence the way in which you deal with relationships. Forgive. When you find inner peace with your parents, you will no longer need to attract unhealthy relationship patterns. All your relationships especially the one with yourself will benefit.
Angel Message- Let go and allow universe/god/angels to help you. When you hold on to a part of your life not working you are leaving no room to heal.Whether you are unhappy with love life, career, finances, home or health angels are asking you to let go. If you open your hands and be ready to free the situation either it will wash away or be replaced with something better. Try not to control the outcome just let go.
The Air Sign- LIBRA
Romance- Your love life is based in your feelings about your mother and father. You will benefit from releasing any old anger toward one or both of them. That's because your feelings about your parents influence the way in which you deal with relationships. Forgive. When you find inner peace with your parents, you will no longer need to attract unhealthy relationship patterns. All your relationships especially the one with yourself will benefit.
Angel Message- Let go and allow universe/god/angels to help you. When you hold on to a part of your life not working you are leaving no room to heal.Whether you are unhappy with love life, career, finances, home or health angels are asking you to let go. If you open your hands and be ready to free the situation either it will wash away or be replaced with something better. Try not to control the outcome just let go.
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