Tarot and Angel guidance 23rd Dec -29th Dec 2013
This week expect bad news, rumors and other disturbing messages to cross your way. Identify and confront the source of your problem, and express your sorrows and make them known to others. Unfortunately suffering is all around us, and the troubles of other people-especially the people we love-can affect us deeply because we are all interconnected. Be sympathetic to others and give help when you can, but also prepare to deal with it yourself philosophically. A person near you is suffering, but you may not be fully aware of his/her problems. A change of perception is needed.
Angel message- Let go of viewing situation as troubled and see yourself and others through the eyes of your guardian angels. Look past the surface and see the beauty and light that eternally shines within everyone. Holding an elevated view brings healing in miraculous ways in all your relationships. Conflict drops away revealing clean truth about everything and everyone.
Romance message-If you have been worrying or complaining lately, the angels are asking you to shift to more optimistic perspective. Even if you've had your romantic hopes crushed, there is still reason to hold the faith that real love can be yours. Just believe it!
Angel message- Let go of viewing situation as troubled and see yourself and others through the eyes of your guardian angels. Look past the surface and see the beauty and light that eternally shines within everyone. Holding an elevated view brings healing in miraculous ways in all your relationships. Conflict drops away revealing clean truth about everything and everyone.
Romance message-If you have been worrying or complaining lately, the angels are asking you to shift to more optimistic perspective. Even if you've had your romantic hopes crushed, there is still reason to hold the faith that real love can be yours. Just believe it!
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