Dear co-creators. Since i have been travelling all through last week i missed posting the reading for the week.My apologies. For this week's guidance I am also including special angel message on romance.
Keep reading and co-creating. Have a blessed week ahead.
Tarot and Angel guidance 9th-15th Dec 2013
Growth will come through effort, diligence and patience.Disperse negative attitudes that weaken your resolve and avoid people who bring you down.Set priorities and invest energy where it will do the most good. Stick with a financial venture,plan or course of action ,even though things may seem difficult at present.Stand your ground , but dont get into conflict over money or possessions at this time.
Angel Message- The angels are asking you to have fun and honor your inner child. Take sometime to ask your inner child "How do you feel"? and "What would you like to do?". Do things that allows your playful side to emerge. Dance like there is no tomorrow. Take an afternoon nap. Swing or slide at a park. Let your inner child loose.

Romance message-If you are wondering if this person is your soulmate, the answer is "yes". We/You all have many soulmates-beings with whom you share a mystical soul connection and life path. Soulmates incarnate with a plan of coming together for mutual spiritual and personal growth. If your question is "will I ever meet my soulmate?". This is a validation that it will occur.Many times this is a person whom you already know.
Keep reading and co-creating. Have a blessed week ahead.
Tarot and Angel guidance 9th-15th Dec 2013
Growth will come through effort, diligence and patience.Disperse negative attitudes that weaken your resolve and avoid people who bring you down.Set priorities and invest energy where it will do the most good. Stick with a financial venture,plan or course of action ,even though things may seem difficult at present.Stand your ground , but dont get into conflict over money or possessions at this time.

Romance message-If you are wondering if this person is your soulmate, the answer is "yes". We/You all have many soulmates-beings with whom you share a mystical soul connection and life path. Soulmates incarnate with a plan of coming together for mutual spiritual and personal growth. If your question is "will I ever meet my soulmate?". This is a validation that it will occur.Many times this is a person whom you already know.
it is so so accurate!!! to my current scenario... ur guidances are very effective Sharvee!! :) Thankyou..