During these current sensitive, vulnerable times I had a lot of people reach out for quick reassurance and clarity. Here I will be back with many card readings but the approach this time will be of expansion,self-growth, and understanding self and direction.

Today, I asked our guides what part of life is calling for attention if we keep aside the chaos, restlessness, and stagnancy of energies around and within us -


The magician. Is it a coincidence to have the Magician turn up?
Nope, because while we are holed up forcefully by the circumstances of the current world, a lot of us in fact I dare declare all of us have ignited and discovered a parallel self.

Things we thought we couldn't ever do now has ignited an interest or hope of 'What if , I could do this too because I enjoy doing it ' or ' discovered a new hobby which I could turn into a passion project ' OR ' I always knew I am good at this but didn't ever have faith and confidence to really pursue it because it makes me happy '.

Well, Your heart is asking you to pay attention to exactly that new love you have discovered within yourself however small or irrelevant as per the precious world standards. (PUN INTENDED)
This is a nudge to believe that you have all the tools within and around yourself to turn on the action.


Your block is the inner conflict. That part of ourselves is always demeaning us all the time. Reminding us we are short of something. The inherent negativities.

The battle currently is not outside you but inside you. Be gentle. Where will being so hard on yourself get you? Nowhere, but definitely the path of self-loathing. Drop it,, unload that need for the perfect time, perfect circumstance, perfect resource. That perfect never comes and no such thing exists as perfect.

This...Here...Now is perfect and it's enough. You are ENOUGH. THIS MOMENT IS ENOUGH.
The possibilities of it working out are endless and possible in any form. It's not going to be a battle but MAGIC. Be open to the form or possibility of the way the magic does enter your life. Don't put ifs and buts and hows. Be open to Receive because that magic that you will create is beyond the trappings of perceived success known to the world.


This calling of the heart comes with healing energy. Call upon Archangel Raphael or an angel, spirit guides, the universe, source, divine light. Whoever and whatever you believe in to help you invite that healing energy through that calling.

Just like a page of swords the fresh, determined, and youthful energy infused with confidence raring to go will trickle into other areas of life as well. Put in the action however small or trivial. That optimism, confidence, and raring to go. NO JUDGEMENT.
This guidance couldn't have come at an opportune time when I myself have been sitting and pondering for the longest time to come back posting guidance I receive and paying attention truly to my calling.



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