Tarot/Angel Guidance 11th Aug- 17th Aug 2014
Be daring this week. Expect changes to occur at rapid speed.Fear of risk and change can be limiting so take charge. Time to challenge yourself and take a few risks. A business trip can be presented. You need to be more creative, assertive and unconventional. Someone may act as an agent of change in your life. If you feel , you have gotten in a rut, shake things a bit.
Romance- Your love life needs a healthy infusion of honest communication. You are harboring feelings that are masking your feelings of love. There's still time to heal the situation, however effort will be required. There may be lack of commitment and constancy in the relationship. You or your partner may desire freedom or shun responsibility. Seek guidance from a counselor or facilitate a discussion. Its important to steer away from blame and find resolution. Heart to heart discussions will promote self growth. Know what you will and wont accept in a relationship. By sharing your feelings, you stand a much better chance of teaching your partner about your needs, instead of suffering silently.

Angel Message- Trust what you see in your mind's eye during dream time as well as signs you see physically- such as feathers, recurring numbers, coins, flashes of light and so forth. This blessing can assist you with healing . Trust what you see!
Be daring this week. Expect changes to occur at rapid speed.Fear of risk and change can be limiting so take charge. Time to challenge yourself and take a few risks. A business trip can be presented. You need to be more creative, assertive and unconventional. Someone may act as an agent of change in your life. If you feel , you have gotten in a rut, shake things a bit.
Romance- Your love life needs a healthy infusion of honest communication. You are harboring feelings that are masking your feelings of love. There's still time to heal the situation, however effort will be required. There may be lack of commitment and constancy in the relationship. You or your partner may desire freedom or shun responsibility. Seek guidance from a counselor or facilitate a discussion. Its important to steer away from blame and find resolution. Heart to heart discussions will promote self growth. Know what you will and wont accept in a relationship. By sharing your feelings, you stand a much better chance of teaching your partner about your needs, instead of suffering silently.
Angel Message- Trust what you see in your mind's eye during dream time as well as signs you see physically- such as feathers, recurring numbers, coins, flashes of light and so forth. This blessing can assist you with healing . Trust what you see!
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