Tarot/Angel Guidance for the month of MAY 2014
This month think about investments in any form as it will turn out to be solid.Your focus will be on acquiring money and security.You will hang on to your gains and a period of worry will soon be over. You will find yourself in a comfortable situation. Take full advantage of saving schemes, property investments and insurance affairs. Be assured that your abilities are valued. Apply your ideas creatively in ways that will produce stability.On the personal front , perhaps you will need to strengthen your own self worth and find security within yourself.You will need to use your intuition to work out what applies to you.Refrain from being jealous or envious of another's financial good fortune. Insecurity will lead to downward spiral.
Angel message- Allow yourself to express your power. Your creator is within you .All the power, love, faith, intelligence and wisdom is available to you. Allow yourself to shine with the radiant love of the divine so that your true power can radiate out into the world in miraculous ways.

Angel message- Allow yourself to express your power. Your creator is within you .All the power, love, faith, intelligence and wisdom is available to you. Allow yourself to shine with the radiant love of the divine so that your true power can radiate out into the world in miraculous ways.
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