Tarot/Angel Message 21st-27th April 2014
This week take charge of money matters so you are in control of your financial situation. You have the power to generate money by using your talents wisely. Tap into the universal flow to increase your wealth. Someone is working behind the scenes for you right now. Hidden issues as yet unknown to you may exist. power struggles are likely. Watch your back and dont get involved in anything questionable. Dont reveal everything you know. Align yourself right now with the divine will and tap the energy of the universe to create the circumstances you desire.
Romance- Perhaps you are engaged in a power struggle in which both of you are playing games. Seek a win win situation.If looking for a partner, call your romantic soul mate into your life through the medium of prayer, affirmation and visualization. Work on yourself so that you epitomize the qualities you are seeking in a partner.
Angel message- Engage in self improvement activities such as yoga, exercise classes, nutritional practices, or self help seminars and groups. Follow this guidance and you will find the love for self and from others you are seeking.
This week take charge of money matters so you are in control of your financial situation. You have the power to generate money by using your talents wisely. Tap into the universal flow to increase your wealth. Someone is working behind the scenes for you right now. Hidden issues as yet unknown to you may exist. power struggles are likely. Watch your back and dont get involved in anything questionable. Dont reveal everything you know. Align yourself right now with the divine will and tap the energy of the universe to create the circumstances you desire.
Angel message- Engage in self improvement activities such as yoga, exercise classes, nutritional practices, or self help seminars and groups. Follow this guidance and you will find the love for self and from others you are seeking.
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