Tarot/Angel Guidance 10th March- 16th March 2014
Birth of a new idea being profitable are on the cards this week. You can defeat any challenge and win by the sheer power of your will. Investment or a business venture involving communication will be a success. Concentrate on your objective and trust your own judgement. In case of legal matters involving money chances are bright for negotiating .A good time to start a new project or occupation that utilizes your intellect, communication skills/information channels. Concentrate totally on your goals-don't let anything distract or dissipate your energy. Try and achieve mental clarity and focus. Be more objective and rational. Avoid being sarcastic or dictatorial.Regain your perspective by considering your options with calm and reason.
Romance- You have the power to revive passion in your life. In fact no one can bring it to you but you! Seek what brings you joy, such as a talent, hobby, special activity. Anything that stirs your heart with joy will help you bring passion in your life which will in turn channel into your romantic life. Enjoy this moment completely.
Angel message- Changes in your friendships are occurring. Not only you are changing from inside but your life is changing from outside. Changes in friendships are normal , and the angels are asking to surrender your relationships to them.They will lovingly help you through this transition. You are ready to build new friendships that mirror your interests and new thought process.
Romance- You have the power to revive passion in your life. In fact no one can bring it to you but you! Seek what brings you joy, such as a talent, hobby, special activity. Anything that stirs your heart with joy will help you bring passion in your life which will in turn channel into your romantic life. Enjoy this moment completely.
Angel message- Changes in your friendships are occurring. Not only you are changing from inside but your life is changing from outside. Changes in friendships are normal , and the angels are asking to surrender your relationships to them.They will lovingly help you through this transition. You are ready to build new friendships that mirror your interests and new thought process.
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