Tarot/Angel Guidance 31st March- 6th April 2014. Change on the cards this week. A better opportunity may be on the horizon. Be ready to let go of an investment, property, business or a financial matter and move on to something else. Be daring-fear of risk and change maybe limiting your prosperity.A business trip maybe on the offing. Use your talents fully . Be creative, assertive and unconventional.If you have gotten in a rut, time to shake things up bit. Romance message- Changes in your love life will only be painful if you are rigid in your thoughts and behaviors. If you flow with the current of love, you will find that old parts of your love life wash away. They are quickly replaced by new aspects that will surprise you. Current relationships may end or they may act as a transition into a new phase of passion and renewed love. Angel message- Open your heart to a new infusion of divine love.The angels are preparing you to be aware of new people entering your life....
Showing posts from March, 2014
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Sharvee Chaturvedi

Tarot/Angel Guidance 24th-30th March 2014 This week be prepared for some kind of change. A change in your work environment, job or responsibilities is likely. You may think you know it all, but refusing to listen to others may prove costly. A sudden change in your income is also on the cards. Perhaps you need to make adjustments in your portfolio, a business venture or other financial area. A trip concerning money matter or business is also possible. Avoid confrontation. Better focus and direction could benefit your work. You need to change your perspective , attitude or understanding. Rather than setting up defenses to protect your vulnerability, be more flexible and receptive. Romance- If you are in a romantic relationship, go on a holiday to reignite the spark. Expect changes in your relationships. Perhaps you need to change old patterns of relating, becoming more flexible and co operative. Try not to be too harsh or critical of your partner. Angel Guidance- Introduce reg...
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Sharvee Chaturvedi
Tarot/Angel Guidance 17th-23rd March 2014 A time to hang on to your gains. You will be accumulating wealth or will receive a sound financial backing. If you have made an investment , be assured its solid. All your attention this week will be on acquiring money and security. Saving schemes, property matters, insurance, anything concerning the bank will work to your advantage. Avoid being miserly and uncompromising. Apply your ideas and creativity in ways that produce stability. Strengthen your self worth and find security within yourself. Romance - Financial issues are a factor in your love life right now. While work can be a source of heart opening satisfaction, it must be balanced with other facets of love like playfulness and laughter. Your love life will benefit if you infuse some lightheartedness in your life. Call upon for help from angels/universe/god to elevate your mood, energy levels, finances and career that will bring peace to you. Angel message- Let go and let univer...
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Sharvee Chaturvedi
Tarot/Angel Guidance 10th March- 16th March 2014 Birth of a new idea being profitable are on the cards this week. You can defeat any challenge and win by the sheer power of your will. Investment or a business venture involving communication will be a success. Concentrate on your objective and trust your own judgement. In case of legal matters involving money chances are bright for negotiating .A good time to start a new project or occupation that utilizes your intellect, communication skills/information channels. Concentrate totally on your goals-don't let anything distract or dissipate your energy. Try and achieve mental clarity and focus. Be more objective and rational. Avoid being sarcastic or dictatorial.Regain your perspective by considering your options with calm and reason. Romance- You have the power to revive passion in your life. In fact no one can bring it to you but you! Seek what brings you joy, such as a talent, hobby, special activity. Anything t...
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Sharvee Chaturvedi

Tarot/Angel guidance 3rd March- 9th March 2014 An emotional week ahead. An old quarrel may surface which may lead to separation . However, this separation will not be permanent. Separation will be more because of practical reasons than emotional one here. At this point of time there may be to many options to choose from and too many people to listen to, each of whom have different perspectives. The only way to deal with all that confusion will be to trust your gut/instincts.Just go with the opinion that feels right. It is true that all is not what is seems but no amount of logic will sort the truth from the false in these circumstances. Beware of wishful thinking it may lead you astray. Panic will not sort problems ,only patient effort will get you out of a difficult situation. You may feel irritable and prone to take out frustration on others ,thus being your own worst enemy. The way out will be very obvious just keep being aware and you will navigate through. Romance- You...