Angel reading 31st Dec 2012 -6th Jan 2013

Sit or lie in a comfortable relaxed position (your back
not touching any surface). Breathe deeply and say silently or loudly-“ Dear Archangel Michael, I call upon you now.
Please lift any energies of fear, doubts, anger, jealousy or any negativity from
my back, neck and shoulders. Please heal and help me feel compassion for anyone
who has sent these lower energies or i feel for. Thankyou for clearing any
toxic energies from within and around me”
The Angels ask you to follow to clearing your mind and body
from past pain and hurts in exchange for peace within. These hurts and anger
from past are blocking you from
attracting your desires as well as attracting similar situations to you again and
again. All you need is little willingness to forgive and let go. It doesn’t mean
you agree with the action occurred in the past you just choose to not affect
your present and future for greater peace and joy in your life. Through words of forgiveness you activate peace of mind, renewed energy, ability to focus, love and understanding
Call upon Archangel Raphael to help you heal and forgive all
you need to. Time is now.
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