Oracle Reading 8th Oct -14thOct 2012.
Refrain engaging in gossip or speaking ill about others.
The oracle warns you against treachery and misfortunes in the beginning of the week. If you are in the bleak phase of your life, be assured you are protected you will be helped in overcoming this difficult time which will come in very unfamiliar and unusual ways. Work through your life with compassion in your heart and stay away from gossip or speaking ill as it attracts bad karma. Positively affirm about your life.
Learn to overcome anger. Replace it with Compassion.

Tip- Wear an evil eye charm or black thread or rudraksh bead to ward off negative or yin energies.
Be watchful of what you expend your energy on.
Weekend invites you to Live in the moment,enjoy every second and spend time with family and loved ones. Incase there are misunderstandings to be sorted out in a relationship, Persuasion and Kind words will help save a relationship. Ask for your partners advice in your ventures and heed their advice ,will help you and will give a better non judgemental perspective of things. Invest this time to bring stability and security in your life and begin that with true Forgiveness and love.
Tip-Feel warmth and joy in your heart and thank the universe for having given your loved ones in your life.
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