Angel Message for the week . 29 Oct- 4 Nov 2012. This week we continue where we left off. For all who haven’t gotten in touch with their twin flame exercise I mentioned in the last reading ,do so. Write a letter addressing to dear twin flame and write all that you wish to. Your stresses, worries,feelings, thoughts ,anything. They are functioning as your spirit guides and all those looking for a soulmate ,write to twin flames guardian angels to help you in the area of romance. End it by asking them to prepare a visit with yours. There is also a message for parents whose child is an indigo child. Most children born recently and few years back fall into this category, mostly. Or probably you are an indigo Adult. An indigo is a strong willed and spirited individual who has very strong personal belief about changing the world. This card has come up if you or someone around is an indigo child or adult and they need your constant encouragement. Help them to maintain their ...
Showing posts from October, 2012
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Sharvee Chaturvedi
" Soulmate" A Myth? So here the other day I was doing a reading with my beautiful Romance angel cards, and my friend asked- “Can you tell me if he is my soulmate?” I wondered, how we all are so desperately seeking for that so called soulmate (consciously or unconsciously) Singles are seeking soulmate and married want to know if the person they are with is their soulmate...I question everything these fairytales and these romantic movies convey today .They don’t even touch the tip of the iceberg of the whole existence of LOVE. So, what do we know about soulmate? A romantic partner, with an implication to sharing a lifelong bond.That one person when you start out with you feel enormous and enveloping love.That feeling of passion a person brings like nervousness and butterflies in the stomach and if all around even better. Bu...
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Sharvee Chaturvedi
Angel Reading 22nd Oct through 28th Oct. Twin Flame-A week of spiritually based romantic relationships. A twin flame is a romatic partner who originated from your spiritual soul group. Twin flames don’t incarnate together in a lifetime. One always acts a spirit guide. Often they incarnate together during their last lifetime on earth- after reincarnation cycle is complete and all karmas are balanced. So, here your twin flame is guiding you from the other side, helping you with every area of your life, including romance with your soulmate. Write a letter to your twin flames guardian angels. Write down and express all there is regarding your love life or anything looming your head. Time to heal away your addictions . They could be habits or behaviours of any kind that are blocking you from your hearts desire and affecting your health, happiness and life purpose. The angels are asking you to be very honest here and accept that these addictions are robbing...
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Sharvee Chaturvedi
I Thank all who are a part with me here. On the 100th like on my facebook page for my blog,I am giving away a special gift . Join me on facebook by clicking the LIKE button on the right and claim your gift. Send in one question you would like a reading for at all of Sunday 21st Oct. Tomorrow general reading for the week coming up too. Looking forward to seeing you all there. Love and Light Sharvee Chaturvedi.
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Sharvee Chaturvedi
Angel Reading 15Oct -21Oct 2012 Ah! The fairies.. You will feel most balanced and rejoiced around nature. Spend some time conversing or feeling of all mother earth has to offer us and be grateful. A good sign for material matters too. The fairies in the form of spirit guides with you, helping you meet your physical needs and help you with your life purpose. Spend some time connecting with your pets this week. A good sign for attracting material support. They are glad to assist you in your endeavour, provided you return the favour in most gracious and kind form to Mother Nature. Do your little bit here and there. The cards also speak of need for sacred female YING energy, which brings gifts of intuition ,nurturing and creative abilities. If you have been spending too much time in analytical, creatively void work, this card encourages you to bring your ying side to motion. Move your body in dance, write,sing anything to express your intuitive and nurturin...
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Sharvee Chaturvedi
Oracle Reading 8 th Oct -14 th Oct 2012. Refrain engaging in gossip or speaking ill about others. The oracle warns you against treachery and misfortunes in the beginning of the week. If you are in the bleak phase of your life, be assured you are protected you will be helped in overcoming this difficult time which will come in very unfamiliar and unusual ways. Work through your life with compassion in your heart and stay away from gossip or speaking ill as it attracts bad karma. Positively affirm about your life. Tip-Take salt water baths twice/thrice this week to cleanse your aura. Learn to overcome anger. Replace it with Compassion. Be assured you are surrounded by your exceptionally wonderful angels/spirit guides who are watching and protecting you all the time. When you walk on the path shown by your inner self/God/angels, fulfilment will follow you everywhere. Better performance at work is seen but you are warned against being self centered. Continue being compassi...
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Sharvee Chaturvedi
When do all these theories work? I see so many people today turning to new age books like The Secret, Laws of attraction and many more unaccountable. People drop lines like "When you are happy with yourself then you can keep others happy", "Let it go, this too shall pass", "You attract misery", “Happiness is a state of mind”. I am too one of them. All these and many more such statements though very insightful and very true used by people are all on the surface, and somehow you know it. You believe in it, agree with it but still wondering I am doing so and yet I am going nowhere. I get so many people coming to me who are trying hard to follow this, ask for a past life regression. I ask why? And they don’t know so, (but deep down they know it). Even if they do go through a regression, see a prospective past life probably relevant then at that moment, still answers seem vague and theories still remain theories, and still they are on a que...