
Showing posts from October, 2013
Tarot /Angel guidance 28th Oct - 3rd Nov 2013 A birth of a new idea could be profitable. Concentrate on your objective and trust your own judgement. Mental clarity and focus  needed this week. .You need to be more objective and rational. In case of negotiating on a legal matter involving money, be assured the first stage will begin. In matters of love, there is need to open the channels of communication or discuss relationship issues in an objective ,forthright manner. Angel message-The angels want you to trust your feelings. Your heart is wise and is calling out to make important changes .Honour your feelings. Eg: If you are unhappy with something, it means something is wrong and action is necessary. Also the angels are asking you to open your heart to love. The angels are assuring their protection, providing you courage and support to make healthy changes. Carry or wear rose quartz or keep fresh pink roses at your bedside at night to assist you opening your be...
Tarot and Angel Guidance 21st Oct-27th Oct 2013 This week brings rewards and success. Your efforts bear fruit. Expect appreciation for your work. Be assured that you have proven your ability and now you can enjoy respect, rewards and sense of satisfaction that you deserve. Expect Emotional maturity and fulfillment. Be content and enjoy the life you have created in this present moment. Angel message-Vacuum away fear bases energies. Whenever you feel tired or spent time in a crowded place like bar/pub, take time to cleanse away residual energies. Call upon Archangel Michael and Raphael to help you vacuum away negative fearful energies from you, your surroundings, situation or everyone involved.
Tarot guidance 14 th Oct-20 th Oct 2013 A period of restlessness and uncertainty with regards to practical and personal matters. Don’t initiate major changes or expect big results at this time. Finances may be unstable. Money may come in and go out quickly. Refrain from being impatient because progress may not be happening as you expected. Budget your time, energy and resources. Be content in small changes. In the matters of love you may feel impatient or restless in a relationship .Some adjustments might be necessary at this time. Angel Message-Be surrounded by nature. The angels and fairies particularly know you wish to manifest money or some other material support. They will assist you in your endeavor provided you return the favor by doing something good for the environment. Doesn't have to be big. Picking your trash, using dustbins instead of footpaths and roads. Switching off lights when not needed etc., will go a long way in assisting having a balanced envir...
Tarot guidance for 7 th Oct-13 th Oct 2013 Make a wish this week. Apply your true self and you will receive riches and happiness. The key to happiness is knowing what you really want and opening your heart to it. Nine of cups brings rewards, opportunities and success in your career. Whatever you undertake now will produce favourable results. Relax and enjoy the journey. Angel message- Heal your unhealed emotions associated with your parents. If your confidence is wavering ask help from angels to mend your relations with your father. Ask your guardian angels to heal any toxic feelings associated with childhood.