Angel Guidance 26 Aug- 1 Sept 2013 Happiness is simplicity! This week be guided to have clarity of thought by remaining calm and grounded.Seek guidance from universe/angels in overcoming your troubles and worries. Ask to answer your queries and manifest your dreams. After all the hurry and worry be assured that good times will roll out soon. Look forward to new growth and progress. Happy and joyous moments will delight you next few days. What you cherish will come to fruition with conscious action and gratitude. Induce positive habits and people into your life. Pardon people who do wrong for they know not what they do. Spread the message of goodness. Meditate with crystals or wear a clear quartz crystal to protect and repel negativity.
Showing posts from August, 2013
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Sharvee Chaturvedi

Guidance for the week 19th Aug-25th Aug 2013 A week of self realisation. This week is going to be unpredictable. You will feel very strong and powerful. But in sudden ways. Anger could pervade you and rule your life. You will have to realise that patience is a virtue after all. Concentrate on all that you are good at or passionate about. Avoid being over sensitive or judgemental or critical about others. Do not take decisions when your emotions are not in control. Remember acceptance is the key to happiness. Changes are on the horizon, so do not be afraid of them as they are for the better. Tip- Do positive affirmations to keep positive energy flowing. Meditate to find answers.
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Sharvee Chaturvedi

Angel guidance 5th Aug- 11 Aug 2013 Welcome celebration, bliss and happiness around your life. It is time to live in the moment, enjoy every second of life and spend time with family and loved ones. Persuasion and kind words will help you save a relationship if it’s in a bad shape. Be watchful what you expend your energy on. On the work front, heed your partner’s advice, as it will be beneficial for you. Invest time and effort to bring stability and security in your life. You must forgive all those who have hurt you in the past. Learn to trust others. Time is now. Feel warmth and joy in your heart and thank the universe for all that you have. Your angels want to help you with any situation you need help with; however, they require your permission before they can intervene in your freewill choices. Give them the go ahead signal so that they can help you. It doesn’t matter whether you ask aloud or silently...