What you Resist Persists!!!

I begin this blog by sharing something I heard Jennifer Aniston saying to Oprah just after a highly hyped divorce. She said "what you resist persists"( said by Carl Jung), and it got me thinking it kind of applies to us all in all our areas of life we struggling to come to terms with and adapting to constant changes we go through different phases of life, after-all life isn’t constant. So, what you resist persists so what does one do? Either, fight that resistance or accept or let it go as most spiritual teachers will give an advice to let it go!! But I ask what is that we need to let go? The feelings or the memories associated with those feelings or the person or the event itself? I feel It usually comes down to acceptance. I know one will ask, "is it fair to accept various situations/people we come across where we felt we been victimized? That’s pretty debatable. We as humans are conditioned everyday by our...